Solar Panel Angle: Essential Tips for Improving System Performance

30 September, 2024.

Solar panels angled for maximum efficiency, considering geographic, seasonal, and roof design factors Solar panels angled for maximum efficiency, considering geographic, seasonal, and roof design factors


Being the most significant source of renewable energy, solar panels are welcomed worldwide. It doesn't matter whether you have an ideal roof or not. Something that matters the most is the angle at which they are positioned as it affects their overall efficiency. Therefore, the tilt and orientation of solar panels maximise their energy-generating potential. This is done by keeping the panels in the sun.

For instance, if a solar panel is not angled or installed correctly, there might be several problems. It can decrease energy output because of shading and reflection issues. It can also cause an increased panel temperature, thereby reducing energy. Therefore, in addition to the installation of a solar panel one must focus on its tilt and orientation for optimal system performance.

Understanding the Importance of Solar Panel Angle

Do you know the solar panel angle differently affects sunlight capture and energy output? The following pointers will give you a brief idea.

  • The correct positioning of solar panels ensures maximum energy production from direct sunlight
  • A shallow positioning of the solar panel will reduce energy output due to increased sunlight reflection
  • Steep positioning of solar panels decreases energy production. The reason is that the surrounding cast shade on the panel
  • The ideal solar panel angle changes according to latitude and ranges from 30° to 40°, guaranteeing year-round maximum energy output
  • To guarantee maximum energy output, the solar panel angle must also be adjusted as the sun's path changes with the season. As a result, it will receive the most sunlight possible all year long

By adjusting the solar panel's angle correctly to the sun's rays, you can increase energy production. Additionally, it will decrease energy loss and reduce sunlight reflection. Therefore, the correct alignment can boost energy output by up to 20%, enhancing overall system efficiency.

Key Factors Influencing Solar Panel Angle

The key factors that influence solar panel angle are as follows:

  • 1. Geographic Location and Latitude

    The solar panel angle is affected by latitude. Depending on latitude, the sun travels a different route across the sky. You can identify this in the lower latitude areas that are closer to the equator. They enjoy a more consistent and direct solar path throughout the year. Meanwhile, higher latitudes undergo seasonal changes, leading to changing sunlight patterns.

    Here is a quick guide for different Australian regions for optimal solar panel angles:

    • Northern Australia's latitude range of 10°-20° requires an angle of 10°-20°
    • Northeast Australia's latitude range of 20°-30° requires an angle of 20°-25°
    • Eastern Australia's latitude range of 30°-40° requires an angle of 30°-35°
    • Southern Australia's latitude range of 40°-50° requires an angle of 35°-40°
    • South-West Australia's latitude range of 30°-40° requires an angle of 30°-35°

  • 2. Seasonal Adjustments for Optimal Performance

    Do you know the solar panel angle changes with seasons because of the changes in the sun's position throughout the year? Yes, for instance, in summer, the sun enjoys a higher position while lower position in winter and autumn. In spring, the position of the sun rises. Therefore, to receive maximum energy, it is necessary to make adjustments to the ideal solar panel angle.

    Throughout the day, your solar panel on roof should face directly to the sun. A greater tilt angle is best to maximise the sun's rays during the winter season. During the summer season when the sun is higher, a little shallower tilt is best.

Roof Design Considerations

Like seasons, different roof designs also impact the angle of the solar panel. Wondering how? The optimal tilt for solar panels on residential roofs should be between 30°-40° for a seamless and hassle-free installation process.

For instance, pitch and flat roofs affect solar panel angles differently. Here is a difference between the both:

  • Pitched roofs make solar panel installations possible without any extra support at an angle of between 30°-40°. This, as a result, increases energy production. However, for flat roofs, adjustable solar panel mounts are required and can be more expensive.
  • Pitched roofs are best for snowy days as they can slide off easily, which, as a result, lessens the weight and risk of solar panel damage. However, flat roofs need extra structural support and waterproofing precautions.
  • Talking about installing solar panels, pitched roofs are more costly compared to flat roofs, despite the easier installation process.

Overall, flat roofs offer an ideal surface for adjustable mounting systems, providing the flexibility to accommodate various solar panels. Additionally, it also allows easy adjustments to the angle of the panel as needed. It also accommodates various solar panel sizes, making it easier to upgrade or replace solar panels in the future. To help you contribute to a better environment, we at Fortune Solar offer systems from top brands that are highly durable. We also offer you customised solutions for all your needs.

Shading and Obstruction Considerations

In addition to roof design, shading and obstruction also impact solar panel performance. Here's how:

  • It reduces energy output
  • It reduces solar panel efficiency by up to 20%
  • It creates hotspots, thereby damaging the panel and reducing its lifespan
  • It leads to severe inverter shutdowns, thereby reducing energy output

Some of the best solutions to mitigate shading are :

  • Place the solar panel on the roof strategically for a shading-less environment
  • Trim trees and vegetation regularly
  • Use shading-tolerant inverters or panels with built-in shade tolerance
  • Use microinverters or bifacial solar panels
  • Regularly clean panels

Importance of Panel Orientation

In Australia, the ideal orientation for solar panels is towards the North. It is because this direction gets the most sunlight over the year.

Discuss the ideal orientation for solar panels in Australia

For your better understanding, here are the benefits of North-, east-, and west-facing panels based on household energy usage patterns:

  • North-facing panels allow consistent usage of energy throughout the day, thereby aligning with peak household energy consumption. It makes using appliances easier such as air conditioners and electric water heaters
  • East-facing panels allow energy output during the morning, thereby aligning with morning energy usage. Allowing homeowners to use appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, etc
  • West-facing panels allow energy output during the afternoon, thereby aligning with offset afternoon energy usage. Helps in using appliances like electric ovens and air conditioners

Advanced Technology for Optimising Panel Ang

Without a doubt, solar tracking systems increase energy generation and allow you to change the direction and angle of the solar panel to track the sun's path. Wondering how these devices help? Here are some of the major benefits that come with using solar tracking systems:

  • Higher energy production
  • Increased ROI
  • Improved system efficiency
  • Panel configuration flexibility
  • Various solar panels compatibility

Here is a general breakdown of the cost of a solar tracking system versus the increase in energy production:

  • A single-axis tracking system produces 15%-25% more energy. Talking about cost, it is 10%-20% more than a fixed-tilted system.
  • A dual-axis tracking system produces 25%-40% more energy. Talking about cost, it is 20%-30% more than fixed-tilted systems.
  • A passive tracking system produces 5%-15% more energy. Talking about cost, it is 5%-15% more than fixed-tilted system.
  • An active tracking system produces 20%-35% more energy. Talking about cost, it is 15%-30% more than fixed-tilted systems.

Importance of Professional Installation

Imagine you need to optimise panel angle and orientation; what should you do? You'll need to hire a professional installer, which is as simple as that. Why so? Nothing but to maximise energy production and ensure a safe solar panel system. They have extensive knowledge in the field and offer customised solutions. However, make sure to inform the installer about your energy goals and panel options. At Fortune Solar, you can get quick expert guidance for your needs. We also offer strong after-sales service support.

Solar panel installers play a major in navigating local regulations and rebate programs as they have extensive knowledge and expertise. From permits, and building codes to zoning restrictions, they can assist with local regulations. Talking about rebate programs, helps you investigate incentives and ensure you receive fair credit for excessive energy usage.


When it comes to optimising solar panel angle it is important to keep a few tips in mind. This includes assessing your location, determining optimal range, considering roof pitch and consulting a professional.

From reduced energy losses, improved system performance, allowing seasonal adjustments, and reduced energy bills, reduced maintenance costs to increased ROI, proper solar panel angle adjustment plays a major role in energy efficiency and cost savings.

When installing or adjusting the solar panel, just follow the basic tips, and you'll be good to go! By not doing so, you will miss out on the opportunity to optimise your solar panel's performance. For the best guidance and support, remember to consult a professional solar installer like us. We at Fortune Solar have experienced installers who have extensive knowledge and are highly skilled in installing solar systems.


Here are some questions and answers for solar panels

  • 1.How to determine the best angle for solar panels?

    To determine the optimal angle, consider your climate, latitude and roof pitch.

  • 2. Will adjusting the solar panel angle impact energy production?

    Yes, of course. Adjusting the solar panel angle will increase energy production by up to 20%.

  • 3. Why is solar panel angle optimisation important

    Solar panel optimisation is important as it increases energy production, improves system efficiency and reduces shading.

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